"Being rich is having money,

being wealthy is having time"

-Margaret Bonnano

“It's not how much money you make,

but how much money you keep,

-Robert Kiyosaki

how hard it works for you, and how

many generations you keep it for”

"Successful investing is about

managing risk, not avoiding it."

-Benjamin Graham


Suresh Sinha Doctor

Unlike most IFAs, Fermat Prime is not sales motivated. It is a refreshing change to deal with someone not motivated by selling products which does not necessarily meet my needs. Their proactive approach to financial saving has already put me in a much stronger position. I have no problem in recommending him to my friends".

Ravi Kumar Advocate

Your logic on investments completely changed my thinking about savings. Started a SIP, with my first salary. Thank You!

Rajeev Verma Advocate

I’m fortunate to be associated with Fermat Prime Enterprises. Your support has helped me secure my children’s future. Thanks!